Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There Once was a Man on a Bench Who Shared His Orange

You know when you have those random, unexpected moments throughout the day that are just so nice and so encouraging. They're pretty small, but they just make you smile...

...Like the other day, I was sitting on a bench reading and suddenly the man who was sitting at the other end of the bench gave me half of his orange. It sounds sketchy, but it was really nice. And then, another time I was walking down the stairs leaving my building and me and this person who was passing me smiled and nodded at each other. These are small, seemingly insignificant instances, but they really are encouraging to me.

A lot of the time I just go through my day only thinking about me-- so absorbed in my own thoughts, well being, and responsibilities. But it's moments like that when I'm reminded that there really is a whole world outside of myself. I know that sounds sort of like, "duh, how could you not know that there's a whole world outside of yourself?!?"... but, sad to admit, sometimes I forget it. I think it's so great when I'm walking down the street and someone actually looks at me in the eyes and smiles. Why don't people do that more? Why don't I do that more? It's silly really. A lot of the time, I'm in my own little world, with my blinders on... forgetting that everyone around is a real person with feelings and thoughts and beliefs.

I guess it's a matter of being open to others.

<3 Laura

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